The Most Powerful Blackholes in the Universe

The thought of black holes brings up memories of Star Wars, the Avengers, and other sci-fi fantasy books and movies. They usually bring up different reactions. For the thrill-seekers, they are intrigued by its mystery. For others, they are filled with dread by the mere thought of it.

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Hidden Chemicals in Food: Should You Avoid Them?

Is there any food or cereals that lack additives in this day and age? The use of additives is a common exercise by food manufacturers. The common use of chemicals and additives is to increase the shelf life of the product. Additionally, food manufacturers may use them to differentiate their products from the competition. Additives can change the taste, texture, and appearance of the product. Some of these substances might be safe for consumption and others have linked with health effects.

To help you maintain a proper diet (and possibly live a few more years), we compiled a list of the common chemicals and additives in food and which you should avoid.

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